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The Power in Journaling

Written By: Rosabelis Fabio


I remember cleaning up my old room at my mom’s house this past spring and I stumbled upon this red notebook. I opened it and to my surprise, it was a journal that I wrote in as a kid. As I flipped through the pages I began to notice the colors of markers and collages I made using old magazines. As I read some of the entries in the journal I came to the realization that writing has been a great part of my life. It’s the way I express myself and can get lost in the details of things, unapologetically. There is so much power in the blank pages of a notebook and the ink of a pen. Oh, and when the two meet, It’s truly magical. 

Journaling has become one of my favorite ways of taking care of myself. I feel the difference and am very connected to this form of expression. It’s common for humans to have a lot of activity in the brain. So much so that our brains are still active even when we are asleep aka dreams. To help manage the day-to-day stressors, journaling can be beneficial. If you’ve never journaled or it’s been a while, this is a great opportunity to dive back into the practices. Listed below are some prompts to get you started.


Journal Prompts: 

  • Recently, I’ve been feeling very…

  • What activities bring me a deep sense of calm?

  • My word of the day is…