Self-Care as a form of Activism

Written By: Rosabelis Fabio

Last week’s event in the U.S. Capitol was exhausting, to say the least. Watching a mob of people operating from a place of complete hate and malice, reminded me that the fight for racial justice continues to be a long and strenuous process. The first thought that came to mind was of my Fall semester in 2015. I was sitting in a college classroom learning about Audre Lorde, for the first time. She was a writer, creative, and an activist, who addressed the racial injustices in America. Her work taught me to develop tools when faced with anger, and how to mitigate that emotion in a constructive way. Self- care, that’s the main tool in Audre Lorde’s toolbox in the fight against racism. 

“Caring for myself is not Self-Indulgence, it is self-preservation and that is an act of political warfare.”

– Audre Lorde

Lorde reminds us that self-care is a form of activism, too. Returning to our center and not abandoning ourselves is vital in the face of adversity. I’ve learned that self-care is a spectrum, and it looks and feels different for everyone. Lately, self-care for me can look like me dancing in front of a mirror or making myself a delicious meal. It’s important to also keep in mind that not every day will be on days, and on those off days gentleness and rest should be a priority. As this year continues to unfold, I encourage everyone to ask themselves, how they can integrate more self-care habits into their routines? Here are a few thought-provoking self-care prompts that will help you further explore. 

  • What makes you feel calm?

  • How do you recharge?

  • What helps you feel more present?

  • How can you be more gentle with yourself?

Take care of yourself as if your livelihood depended on it because it does!