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Iced Coffee + The Law of Receiving

Written By: Rosabelis Fabio



Over the weekend, I was going for a morning walk with my dog. As we were making our way down to the coffee shop, I saw the sun shining on the concrete pavements in New York City. The birds are chirping, the cars are honking, and the neighbor’s dog is barking at my dog. Gotta love NYC! I tend to visit this Coffee shop whenever I’m in town. It’s the best-iced coffee to ever exist on planet earth. Sounds exaggerated but it’s the truth, well at least my truth. 

As I’m walking towards the coffee shop I was anticipating having to ask someone to grab me a coffee because pets aren’t allowed. It feels weird asking at times, but I managed to get over it. I met a young lady in line and I asked her if she could get me a coffee and she smiled and said ‘Of course, as a matter of fact, I will treat you to your coffee this morning.’ At that moment I was refusing her to buy my coffee and then it hit me that we must apply the law of allowing when we receive as well. There was a shift that took place in that instant and I knew deep down that there was a lesson for me. The moral of the story, don’t underestimate the ways source communicates. Living in abundance requires us to be open to receiving it all. Even a cup of coffee can serve as that reminder.

At Paradise + Vibe, we are big fans of Abraham Hicks’s work. In this post please find a video of Abraham Hicks speaking on the law of receiving. I think you all will appreciate this one. It helps put things in perspective when it comes to receiving and how this attunes our vibration.