Healing through Dance

Written By: Rosabelis Fabio


This past weekend I spent some quality time with myself. I started off the morning with a meditation session and headed to the kitchen to prepare myself a delicious breakfast. There is something so special about breakfast, and I look forward to this meal every day. I played some neo-soul tunes to further soothe the Sunday vibes. I began to dance and felt as if I was in a trance. At that moment, I had an epiphany that there is powerful healing that takes place in dancing, something metaphysical. After a dance session my body no longer feels tight, my mood is altered and I feel centered. A reminder that Dance to is energy work. It’s an art form that depicts all forms of expressions through body movement. 

Dance is also a form of passive aggression. Think about capoeira, its style that originates from the 16th century and was practiced by the enslaved Brazilians. Dance was used as an act of defiance to communicate,  with one another, ancestors, and Mother Earth. I challenge you all to take the time to dance this week, even if it is for one full song. I would like to leave you with one last question. 

 When was the last time you danced?
