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Talk To Yourself Nicely

“Speak to yourself with compassion on the inside and you will radiate peace on the inside.” – Amy Leigh Mercree

I’m a big believer in self-talk. I think we can manifest anything we want into our lives— our careers, our relationships—by changing the way we talk to ourselves. But what if you’re not talking to yourself with kindness? Take a moment and think about how you speak to yourself. If it’s harsh or judgmental, that might be contributing to your stress levels and causing you not to reach your full potential for happiness.

If you want to be kinder to everyone else, start with yourself.

You are your own best friend and cheerleader. If you don’t treat yourself well, how can you expect anyone else? You deserve love and respect!

Don’t compare yourself to others.

The second thing you should do is stop comparing yourself to others. It’s really easy to get caught up in this habit, especially if you feel like people are getting ahead of you. But don’t worry about what other people are doing, because it doesn’t matter!

The comparison game is a trap that will only take away your happiness and make life more stressful than it needs to be. Instead of worrying about how much money someone else makes or how they got there, focus on what matters: your own goals and achievements.

Stop comparing your past self to your present one; it doesn’t serve you well.

You can’t change the past, so why bother? All you can do is learn from it and use those lessons to shape your future. The past is gone, so let it go!

When we’re talking to ourselves, it’s important that we treat ourselves with kindness. In this blog, we’ve covered some simple ways for you to start treating yourself better–and maybe even notice when other people might need some encouragement too.

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