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Do It Scared!

When you’re afraid, it’s easy to feel like you’re losing control.

But what if I told you that sometimes, the best thing that can happen is when we lose control? That’s right—you might be surprised by how much power and freedom you have when you let go of your fears.

You know what they say: nothing ventured, nothing gained. Why not take the leap and do what scares you? The good things that come from when you pursue through fear are worth every sleepless night and sweaty palm.

We all know that we should do things that scare us. We know it’s good for us, and we know it’s something that will make us better people.

But at the end of the day, it’s hard to take the leap. And when we do finally muster the courage to dive in, sometimes it doesn’t go as well as we’d hoped.

So what gives? Why does doing things in fear seem so hard? And if it’s so important, why does it seem like there are so many barriers between us and our goals?

There are many reasons why taking risks can be a struggle, but I think it boils down to two things: fear of failure and fear of success. When you’re scared that something might not work out or go your way, it can feel like a lot of work just to even get started. But once you get over that initial hump—once you’ve gotten past those fears—it becomes easier to move forward.

That doesn’t mean that all of your problems will magically disappear after one leap into the unknown; but once you’ve broken through those first few obstacles (or even just one), it tends to get easier from there on out!

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