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Shifts + Changes = Transformation

Written By: Rosabelis Fabio


Today’s meditation really reached me this morning. There are moments in our lives where we go through drastic changes or what I would like to call a ‘ Transformation’. One of the main activities that take place during a transformation is shifts. This is where that discomfort comes to play, you know that gritty part that doesn’t necessarily feel like fun. Transformations would not be transformational if it didn’t require changes. This morning’s meditation reminded me that I’m living the life I once dreamed about at one point in my life. This grounded me so deeply that shifted my perspective and reminded me of the truth that everything is always working out for our highest good even when it doesn’t feel like it. It’s normal to experience discomfort and even a sense of instability. These are all symptoms of changes taking place in our lives. In these moments it’s recommended to focus on the things that bring you joy and calm.

If you can relate to this post, please take the time to listen to the meditation linked below and be open to messages that come through for you.