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Manifestation: Surrendering to Divine Timing

Written by: Rosabelis Fabio

It was an early Monday afternoon, as I was decluttering I found an old wallet. This wallet was one of my favorites.  I rocked it throughout most of my early 20’s. This wallet made me feel grown at the age of 20. It was something about the way the bills, coins, and cards sat there, which made me feel structured like a responsible adult.  This wallet marked the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I know that may sound silly, but I was going through a major transition in my life at that time, and this wallet reminds me of that period of my life.  Eventually, I picked up the wallet to look through it briefly, and there I found a folded piece of paper. I began to unfold it. On this paper was a list of things I wanted to manifest in my life. This brought tears to my eyes not because of the things I manifested but receiving that humble reminder that the Universe is always working and that blessings arrive on a divine timing basis.

‘In order to understand the Universe in relation to manifesting, you also learn the significance and power of surrendering’

– Rosabelis Fabio

For example, one of the things listed on the paper which dates to July 26, 2018, was ‘ My own living space with parking’. I know that parking space may throw someone off but I’m from New York, where a parking spot is considered a luxury. In December 2019, I purchased my first property with a garage and a driveway. This means that once you set the intention and surrender, you must trust the Universe’s timing. In order to understand the Universe in relation to manifesting, you also learn the significance and power of surrendering. This is not a practice that is perfected overnight, but over time, and through our life experiences we get better. Manifesting is a process, and just like any process, it requires time. Things are constantly shifting and changing around us in order to align. You can not align without movement and time is movement, too. Give yourself a BIG tight hug and give thanks to God for always conspiring for our highest good.