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How to Raise Your Vibration and Your Frequency

Written by: Rosabelis Fabio

I was led to share this video on 12 ways we can raise our vibration and frequency. I find these practices to be essential for maintaining/increasing our energies to live a life filled with abundance. Listed below are the nuggets of wisdom mentioned in the video.

12 Ways To Raise Your Vibration + Energy + Frequency

1: Tune in to what nourishes your soul and not your ego

2: Become mindful of your words, thoughts, and actions

3: Ground yourself

4: Clean air(breathing deeply), clean water(Alkaline water PH 9-10), and good food.

5: Always act on your situation. Move with faith and motivation. Change things with radical action. Life is not something happening to you, but it is responding to you. When you do the right thing, life is even happening FOR you

6: Put yourself into nature. Nature heals you and gives you downloads of information

7: Surround yourself with people who make you feel love and positive energies

8: Spread love. Life is giving you back what you put out

9: Spend time doing what makes you happy every single day. Chill out and enjoy

10: Practice Feng Shui. Your environment affects your vibration. Move objects and create a harmonious environment that resonates with you 1

11: Solfeggio and nogier frequencies(396hz, 417hz, 432Hz, 528hz, 639hz, 741hz, 852hz, 963hz). Everything is vibration so listen to the right frequencies

12: Practice self-love