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3 Ways to Experience More Nature

Written By: Rosabelis Fabio

Nature is one of those things that you feel better after being in it. It’s something that can’t really be explained but I know that I feel it every time. I was inspired to write about the practical ways to make nature a part of everyday lives. My motto with nature is, ‘if you are a human you should prioritize spending time with nature. I say this because I recognize the stressors we face on a day-to-day basis, while also acknowledging the medicinal benefits of being in nature. Physical, spiritual, and mental health are all being attuned in this environment whether we are aware of it or not. That’s that ‘feel-good’ feeling we experience. Here are 3 ways you can begin to be in nature.

Lunch Breaks in the Park


Taking a lunch break outside in nature is a great way to regenerate and disconnect from the mundane things in life, like work. Finding the nearest park, or a  seating area near some greenery will do the trick. It’s a simple way of making lunchtime that more enjoyable. Nothing like taking a bit of food and being in observance of the nature around you. On your next lunch break take it outside!

Hiking Weekend Adventures 

Get your friends, family, or significant other together for a weekend hiking adventure. This can be a day event. If you’re feeling extra adventurous, you can pack that weekender bag and make it a getaway. Either Way, you will reap all the benefits of being outdoors. This is a great way of integrating fun and nature into your weekend plans. Make it a goal to plan a nature-centered outing this upcoming month. 

Evening Walks 


After a yummy dinner, and a full day, it’s time to wind down. Evening walks are a great way to promote digestion after eating. It’s said that going for a light walk after a meal helps to increase metabolism and helps eliminate the feeling of being lethargic. Sunset walks in nature are great for decompression. After a long day, going for a walk helps me feel grounded. Try this out one time this week and see if you notice a difference.