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3 Fun Activities for your next Staycation

Written By: Rosabelis Fabio

If this past year taught you anything during a pandemic, it is to adapt and make the best of uncertain circumstances. I’ve learned the importance of being a tourist in your own city. Being a native New Yorker, I got to spend most of my time in New York City this year. I got to experience NYC from a completely different perspective. I experienced a deeper appreciation for the city. I say this because staycations are underrated and it’s a great opportunity to retreat from the day-to-day hustle and bustle to just be. Here are three fun activities to make your next staycation a memorable one.

  1. Book a Hotel/Airbnb 


Locate a neighborhood of your choice and search for a 1 – 2 night stay at your preferred hotel and/or lodging preference. Check out hotels amenities as this can make it a more enjoyable experience.

2. Plan an Itinerary


This is a great opportunity to visit those places you’ve been eyeing.  Take a bike ride in the park, visit a museum, and check out local events.

3. Romance Yo Self 

This is my favorite activity because it reminds us that romance should not only be dependent on the actions of someone else but rather an experience we can create for ourselves. Make a dinner reservation, a spa day, and play your favorite tunes.