Maintaining Peace Within: 3 Practical Mindfulness Exercises for Inner – Peace

Written By | Rosabelis Fabio


The first word that comes to mind when I think of spirituality is Intention. I know you felt that once you read that word, me too. It’s a feeling but most importantly, the feeling we put behind the action. There are many things we do subconsciously with intention, for example, we eat with the intention to fuel our bodies. However, what I would like to focus on are the conscious intentions we can make to elevate our spirits. The great news is that you don’t need to purchase any tools because you already have everything you need, within. Listed below are three simple mindfulness exercises that can help bring peace within.

  1. Breathing 

  • Take 5 deep breaths (deep inhale through the nose and slowly exhale out the mouth/nose).  

Don’t be afraid to make the exhales audible, if necessary. Feel as the breath travels through your nasal cavity and makes its way through the body. Then shift the focus onto the body. How is your body feeling today? Is there anything that needs attention? Our body communicates with us and breath-work is our way of gaining a deeper understanding of it.  This is a simple yet highly effective practice that can be done at any moment throughout the day. 

2. Walking 

  • Take 2x or 3x | 10 – 15 minute walks

Body movement is essential for both our physical and mental health. Try to avoid phone usage during your walks. Take the most scenic route in your neighborhood. The key to intentional walking is observation. Observe the trees, the direction of the wind, the surrounding sounds, the different colors that capture eyes, and the feeling of the outside temperature. A reminder that sunshine is medicine too, try getting your daily dose with morning walks. 

3. Showers/Baths 

  • Take an Intentional Shower

The cleansing of our body is an underestimated act of self-care. An intentional bath or shower can help cleanse our energetic field. Have you ever noticed that feeling after a day at the beach? It’s why we may feel lighter and relaxed after being in the water. Water is healing. Feeling the water on your skin, focusing on the sound of the water are ways of making your showers intentional. Taking the time to say an affirmation such as ‘May this shower cleanse away all that does not serve my highest good’ or even a simple prayer are profound ways we can honor our being.

The mentioned mindfulness exercises are helpful in grounding and conserving our inner peace. At Paradise + Vibe, our main priority is to teach wellness from a practical lens. Reaffirming our community that wellness is for all.  While simultaneously, encouraging our community to actively participate in their wellness journeys, one day at a time. Join us in Jamaica this May where we will have workshops and activities enriched in mindfulness practices.