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Lets Create! 3 Ways to Express Creatively

Written By: Rosabelis Fabio

  1. Arts + Crafts

Going back to basics is sometimes what we need. Grab some old magazines, colorful paper, scissors, and paint. Create a collage with the items mentioned and see what you create. Get lost in the colors, the shapes you’re creating, and don’t be afraid to get a little messy, this too is part of the creative expression. Play your favorite playlist. 


2. Dance

This one is my favorite. Grab a mirror and hop into your favorite clothes to move in. Play your favorite playlist and move your body to the sounds and rhythms of the song. Pretend as if nobody’s watching and just groove. This form of creativity is great for the mind, body, and spirit. It is a great way to release excess energy.


3. Photography

Go for a walk and grab the camera. Be it your phone or an actual camera, take it with you to capture the things that catch your eye. Colors of plants, animals in nature, and any random thing is a great place to start capturing. Once you’ve captured all the photos, take some time out to appreciate them. Notice if there is a commonality to what you gravitate towards.