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Happy Summer Solstice!

Written By: Rosabelis Fabio


It’s officially Summer season. Whoo-hoo! Smells like fun and adventure already. Let’s pump the brakes a tad bit to honor whatever transitions we may be experiencing as a result of this change in season. Oftentimes we may forget that we as humans experience changes within ourselves whenever there is a change of season. The key thing is to honor whatever is coming up for you and just observe it. The same way we would observe a leaf falling in the middle of Autumn. Seasons are nature’s ways of reminding us that transformations take time and require the release of that which no longer serves, in order to make space for the new.

Play is a big part of Summer’s essence because it doesn’t matter how old you are, it’ll bring out the kid in us all. 

— Rosabelis Fabio

Take this Summer Solstice to explore your curiosities through play and adventure. Play is a big part of Summer’s essence because it doesn’t matter how old you are, it’ll bring out the kid in us all.  Bask in that energy and let it be the driving force to all of your creative expressions this summer. As Childish Gambino says, “It’s your Summertime Magic”. Remember to make this Summer yours!