Happy New Year!

New Years Resolution:


Whew!!! We made it to 2021!  A lot of shedding took place in 2020. This year is where we create and establish our new foundations. Self-care was my greatest lesson this year and too, a blessing. 

Conceptualizing life as a blessing is what kept me grounded through 2020. I began with doing practical routines, such as meditations in the morning before starting my day. Meditation is an important tool in self-care as it allows you to check-in with the mind and body. 

As a result of the pandemic, humanity is developing a deeper understanding of the importance of wellness. Through these major transitions, we must ground ourselves. When we take care of ourselves we operate from a higher frequency, which allows us to be in a state of higher consciousness. 

I invite you to reflect on your lessons from 2020 and think about what self-care would look and feel like for you.

Join Paradise + Vibe this spring, our workshops will be centered around self-care.

Written By: Rosabelis Fabio