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Disconnect, to Connect!

Written By: Rosabelis Fabio


This past week, I felt called to take some time off social media and felt the need to be fully submerged in the present moment. I’ve noticed that, as great of a tool social media can be, it can also make us feel a sense of disconnection. This is an interesting oxymoron, welcome to the digital era. I decided this past weekend to be intentional about how I spent my time. I went on a hike, watched a fireworks show, and went to the museum. It amazes me how much of a difference I feel after. I’ve been feeling refreshed and inspired. These activities helped me be more present and have allowed me to feel more grounded. I challenge anyone who reads this to take some time out to intentionally disconnect from social media when needed. Do more of the things that spark joy. It’s a great way to nurture our mental health and overall well-being. 

At Paradise + Vibe, we are big on rest and taking care of ourselves. 

Create and take care of your paradise within.