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Binaural Beats: Nighttime Routine Edition

Written By: Rosabelis Fabio


Earlier this year, I was struggling with sleep deprivation. I would fall asleep but I could not stay asleep. I’d wake up throughout the night, multiple times. That alone will have anyone feeling exhausted the following day. It was brought to my attention that it was due to stress. Sleep deprivation was progressively becoming a pattern. The thought of going to sleep would make me feel slightly anxious and frustrated. I began to incorporate meditations as part of my morning routine to help soothe the stress. It was helping at times but I knew there was still work to get done to aid my sleep. This past spring, as I went down a rabbit hole on Youtube, I stumbled upon a channel that provides hypnosis relaxation using binaural beats. This channel has changed the sleeping game for the better. The quality of my sleep is now top tier, thanks to this channel and other holistic practices.

Rest is extremely important! 

For anyone reading this, I recommend incorporating binaural beats into your nighttime routine. Take notice of any changes in the quality of your sleep and in the way you feel throughout the day.  It’s important to get quality sleep, as our body is constantly regenerating through this process.

Rest is healing, prioritize it accordingly!