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Autumn Is Coming

Written By: Rosabelis Fabio


Seasons are changing! The breeze is feeling cooler and the temperature is gradually dropping. The color of the trees is beginning to change and these are all early signs of fall. Observing these changes inspired me to begin to imagine the kind of fall season I would like to experience. I think one of the cool things about being a human is that we can set intentions for the things we do. If you are reading this I encourage you to begin asking yourself the following questions as we transition into the fall season.  

  • What new hobbies do I want to pick up?

  • What new meals can I make?

  • How can I be more intentional with my time?

  • What Self-Care routine do I need for the fall?

The great thing about these questions is that it prompts one to add to their routine and not take away from it. I find that adding things to our day-to-day practice is more helpful than taking things away. It is a great way to add changes to our lifestyles. A gentle reminder that as seasons change, so do we as people. This is a great time to begin exploring some of the prompted questions. It can be explored through imagination, journaling, and any way that feels right for you. 

Let me know what are some changes you are looking forward to this upcoming Fall season.