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Paradise + Vibe : Beyond The Retreat

I have been on four Paradise + Vibe retreats. It’s not just the retreats that bring people together, but it is also the vibes beyond the retreats. When I get back from a trip, there’s something magical about being around other people who have been on that same trip with me…and experiencing their stories first-hand while we create new memories.

The friendships that have been created through this community are so strong and real.

The reason why I love this community so much is because we all understand each other in some way or another. We know what it feels like to be alone in a room full of people who don’t understand your struggles or where you come from, but on Paradise + Vibe retreats I am connected with many like minded people who share common interest.

Paradise + Vibe focuses on community, wellness and play.

Outside of the retreat I’ve stuck to the principles that have been instilled in me about viewing wellness in multiple different facets. 

I’ve met people on the retreats who have flown to my state to spend the weekend with me. I’ve traveled to different states & was hosted by friends I met while on the retreat. Some of my experiences include going to the club together, eating at top restaurants, going to church , doing yoga, and much more. I have made genuine relationships & have fostered strong connections.  

I am so grateful for this community. I have been able to make friends across the country and around the world.

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