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Set Strong Boundaries

Setting boundaries can be hard even when we know  it’s the right thing to do. A  lot of people have trouble saying no, whether it’s because they’re afraid that people won’t like them or because they just can’t bear to disappoint someone else. But here’s the thing—setting boundaries is about making sure that your needs are met so you don’t end up feeling resentful or upset later on down the road. So if your friends ask you for something and your gut is telling you no? You should listen—even if it’s hard in the moment!

It’s okay to say no.

You have a right to say no, and you don’t have to justify your reasons for saying it. You don’t have to explain yourself or provide an excuse, either; if someone asks why you’re not going out with them tonight, just reply with “no thanks.” It will be enough of an explanation for them!

Know the reason for your boundaries.

You need to know the reason for your boundaries. This will help you decide what to say and how to say it, as well as evaluate if you should set that boundary in the first place. You may also find that knowing the reason makes it easier for others around you who don’t understand why they need to respect this particular boundary, because they can see how it affects you personally.

Knowing why also helps with enforcing your boundaries–if someone wants something from me but I’m not willing or able at this time or place, then no amount of arguing will change my mind because I’ve already decided upon those terms before setting them into place!

Be consistent and persistent in enforcing your boundaries.

Don’t give in to pressure, even if it’s from yourself or the people you love. You can change your mind at any time and go back on a boundary you set for yourself, but once you’ve committed it to paper (or screen), there’s no going back unless someone else agrees to take over enforcement for you: if they won’t do that, then stick with what was agreed upon earlier as best as possible until another solution presents itself.

Make sure you’re prepared to deal with any fallout from setting boundaries.

Setting boundaries is often not as easy as it sounds. It can feel like a major risk, especially if you’re used to being the person who always puts others’ needs first. But if you’re not prepared for any fallout from setting your boundaries, then they won’t be effective at helping you feel better in the long run.

Think about how you will feel if you do not set boundaries and then think about how much better off everyone would be if someone else said no–or even just gave an honest explanation–to something that was causing them stress or anxiety. You might find that your friend would appreciate having some space instead of feeling pressured into doing what they don’t want; or maybe someone else’s refusal would inspire him/her/themself  into taking action instead of passively accepting whatever life throws at them!

You can be nurturing and still set boundaries in healthy ways that help you stay sane.

Boundaries are an essential part of self-care, and they’re not just for children or people who aren’t your age. In fact, it’s never too late to start learning how to set them! Boundaries are all about knowing what’s okay for you and what isn’t–and then setting up boundaries around those things so other people don’t push past them without your consent.

There are lots of different types of boundaries: physical, emotional/mental/spiritual, sexual/ romantic, financial/materialistic. You might have some combination thereof; maybe one type doesn’t apply because it doesn’t affect your life much at all right now but another one is really important because someone keeps crossing into that territory without asking permission first? That’s okay too! The point is simply recognizing which areas need protecting most urgently so we can start building defenses against unwanted intrusions into our lives by others who may not have our best interests at heart.

Setting boundaries is a way to take care of yourself, but it’s also an act of self-love. You deserve to be treated with respect, and if someone doesn’t treat you in that way then don’t let them into your life. Setting boundaries takes courage and strength but it can help you feel more confident and empowered as well.

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