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Paradise + Vibe: What To Expect, Plus My Experience

Treat Yourself To Experiences You Deserve.

I am preparing to head to Paradise + Vibe South Africa. It seems so surreal. This travel tribe holds a special place in my heart because it kick-started my journey of personal growth. I truly owe the positive shift in my mindset to Paradise + Vibe. I’ve gotten to experience different cultures, deepen my meditation practice, try adventures I dreamt about and make meaningful friendships.

About a year and a half ago, I learned about Paradise + Vibe. I immediately knew it was something I’d be interested in. Even though it seemed like Paradise + Vibe checked off all the boxes I needed luxury accommodations, yoga, exciting excursions, and a strong community I felt hesitant. It’s one thing to travel completely solo, and it’s another to travel with your close friends. To travel solo and then meet a bunch of strangers seems a bit frightening. One afternoon I decided to go for it and booked my first trip with Paradise + Vibe in 2021 In Costa Rica. If I told you I’ve been on every Paradise + Vibe trip since, would you be able to piece together how much of an amazing experience I had? 

What Paradise + Vibe Has Taught Me : 

The experiences I have with Paradise + Vibe are refreshing and life-changing. I find myself in beautiful countries having childlike fun, with people who look like me and think like me. The workshops teach me things about myself and allow me to have breakthrough realizations. I leave each retreat with a better sense of self and a new tribe of friends. 

What Paradise + Vibe Has Given Me:

Since traveling with Paradise + Vibe one of my favorite takeaways is the friendships I’ve made. I have made genuine connections with many people from all over the country. This past weekend I met up in Houston, Texas with seven other past attendees from multiple states just because we couldn’t wait until the next Paradise + Vibe to see each other. The community I joined has extended past just the retreats.

If you’re the type of person who thrives on social gatherings and connecting with like-minded individuals- a lover of yoga, wellness, food, and a good vibe- These retreats are a perfect getaway for you.

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