3 Ways to Start Manifesting Abundance into Your Life

Written By: Rosabelis Fabio

It’s officially the last week of January, I know time is flying. This past week, Manifestation has been at the forefront of my mind. I decided to dedicate this blog post to exploring different ways we can approach manifesting because it’s a powerful tool we all have access to. Manifestation feels like a clear agreement between oneself and the universe. It’s an intentional, creative, energetically charged prayer. Throughout this post, I will be elaborating on 3 ways of manifesting tools that have served me.


  1. Intentional Journaling

  • Notebook + a Favorite Pen

  Prior to putting your pen on the paper, take a moment to center yourself and envision whatever it is that you are trying to manifest. Get detailed about the colors, the feeling, and the experience you are trying to manifest. Tap into your inner-child and use your imagination for this exercise. Write an open letter to yourself and the universe detailing your desires to bring forth in abundance into your experience.

Real-life example: I was 19 years old, working at a watch retail store in New York City. I was connecting with people from all over the world. This inspired me to want to see the world for myself. One day, on a receipt paper I wrote 10 countries I wanted to visit. I folded it up and kept it in my wallet, and 6 months later I landed a job at one of the world’s top commercial airlines. This Job afforded me the opportunity to travel to over 20 different countries.

2. Vision Board

  • Magazines + Pictures + Post Board 

It’s Arts and Crafts time! Prior to getting things on the board, it’s highly suggested that you write down on paper what you will be manifesting and organize it into categories (health, wealth, love, spiritual). Grab Magazines and pictures, clip whatever inspires you and is in alignment with what you are trying to manifest. Lastly, set the ambiance with a playlist, light a candle, and enjoy this magical creative process.

Real-life Example: In 2017, I attended a vision board workshop and created my first vision board. I put a picture of a hallway that had a beautiful rug and a random red car from a magazine. I was yearning for independence at the time. I was living at my mother’s house and was ready to leave the nest. In 2019, I purchased my first property and owned a red car.

3. High Vibrational Practices  

  • Self-Care + Do more of what sparks JOY 

This is by far the most important step in manifesting. Taking care of yourself allows you to operate from a higher vibrational space which translates to the universe that you are open and ready to receive abundance. For Example, speaking highly of yourself, taking care of your mental, physical, and spiritual health. These practices are essential because when you feel good, it translates into your energetic field. Joy and gratitude are vibrations, they allow us to remain in an emotional frequency that attracts abundance into our lives. Manifestation starts with a feeling.

Real-life example: In 2020, I prioritized myself for the first time in years and I took a deep dive into different wellness practices(mediation, journaling, exercising). I changed my lifestyle which allowed me to be a co-creator in a wellness concept that is, Paradise + Vibe.

This past year was a challenging one but that doesn’t mean we’ve stopped living. Keep dreaming and choose Joy. We hope to see you at our Paradise + Vibe retreat this upcoming May. Our workshops will take a deeper dive into the topic of living in abundance.