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3 Ways To Balance Your Root Chakra

Written By: Rosabelis Fabio


In the past few months, there has been a collective feeling of uncertainty. As a result, one can feel a great sense of instability. I’m here to remind you, that there are tools that can be utilized to help navigate these moments in our lives with a little more ease and confidence. One day I was in deep meditation and it came to me that I needed to focus on my root chakra. What is the Root Chakra? Well, I’m glad you asked! The root chakra is the first of the 7 chakras, which are considered to be major energy points in our bodies. The color of the root chakra is red and it is located in the spinal, tailbone area. This chakra signifies stability, grounding, and our basic needs. If you ever find yourself feeling unstable, that is your root chakra trying to get your attention and in need of grounding. Here are 3 Ways to Balance your Root Chakra.

  1. Guided Meditation

    This practice helps to quiet the mind to set the intention for grounding.

2.Essentials Oils 

Using the sense of smell through aromatherapy is a great tool for grounding. Earthy scents like tea tree, and Eucalyptus are great!







3. Spend Time in Nature

Stepping into nature is literally the source of grounding. Nature communicates with us and it does so through energetic vibrations that plants, trees, etc give off. Tip: Take your shoes off and place them on dry dirt and/or grass.




